Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 1st

November 1st...a Wednesday and my brain is still wandering and searching for what the blog will be this week.
1st of November WOW where did the year go!  only 61 days until 2024!!
And SNOW!  I wasn't sure I was ready for November and December, but I definitely didn't feel ready for snow and cold...low 30 temperatures!  
November; the month we celebrated my sister's birthday...sweet memories from the past.

Our church mission project Operation Christmas Child culminates with a packing party where we pack 504 shoe boxes and a week of collection of area shoeboxes and then all are taken to large Collection Centers and then distributed around the world to children in need, not just of gifts,  but in need of the Gospel. 
It is the month we, in America, set aside a day to give thanks to God for His provision, blessings, and the fact that we live in the country we do.

It begins the celebrations of grandchildren birthdays (one in November, one in December, two in January, one in February and last one in May)
And from November we roll right into the Advent of Christmas.

We span from remembering those who aren't with us, to giving hope, and being grateful to celebrating lives and the future!
November...1st..should be the advent of being thankful.  Instead of one day, it should be a month of thankful!
πŸ“– always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20
Thankful for my sister, and for all those who have been a part of my life and made an impact but aren't with us anymore.
πŸ“– I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers Ephesians 1:16

Thankful that in a huge global world our part in the Operation Christmas Child ministry can have significance and an eternal impact.
πŸ“– He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

That for the last ten months of this year God has been with me and has been moving and blessing.
I have much to be thankful and grateful for.
πŸ“– Sing to the Lord with grateful praise;
    make music to our God on the harp. Psalm 147:7

πŸ™Lord God, I pray that each one of us has a month of Thankful, that maybe becomes two, and then just maybe a life of Thankful!  I pray that we are reminded each day of all that You have done and have given because You love us. ❤️

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