Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Not About THE Day

I decided to post later intentionally this week!
I have heard and even said several statements regarding Thanksgiving that have made me pause and think.
"How many Thanksgivings will you be celebrating?"
Meaning of course how many meals, or homes will you have the privilege to participate in the celebrstion this season?
But shouldn't it be a minimum of 365? For many of us it should be 1,095!  Three meals a day every day for the year! Because every opportunity we have to have a meal is a be thankful! Especially if we are sharing that meal with someone.

📖 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians  5:20

The other is, "What day are we doing Thanksgiving?"
Again...we should be "doing" Thankful every day! It isn't about the day, it is about the heart and the attitude.  We aren't celebrating THE day, we are celebrating each and every day and the blessings God puts in it. 

📖 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18

Now, I am not against Thanksgiving....just the opposite...I love it because it turns (or should turn) our attentions towards those things which we should be grateful for...and not just the big things but all the simple, small things that fill our lives!
It is what inspired this poem I wrote 13 years ago!

Thanksgiving Day
                   Tracey Thompson       ©TJT 2010

Thanksgiving is a time to gather those we love close by

We laugh and eat and celebrate and even enjoy some pie

We eat until our bellies are full, we work, and rest and play

But do we stop and give pause on Thanksgiving day?

To reflect on all the blessings that are showered from above

Gifts from our Lord and Savior, who lavishes us with love

Will we stop to think as we dress ourselves that morn,

 that we have choices of what to wear, what color or how warm?

As we bathe and shower and brush our teeth so clean

Should we pause and be grateful for the gift of simple hygiene?

As we prepare the food, with extra portions to spare

Will we take the time and thank the Lord that we have enough to share?

 As we smile across the table from family and loved ones so dear

Should we stop and say ”Thank you, Lord,  for all those gathered here”?

 As stories and memories are shared, even some with tears

Will we give thanks for those who touched our lives over the passing years?

 God has blessed us so with much, our cups to overflowing,

 if we only take the time and find what is most important in knowing

 that God’s love, and grace and mercy is there for us each day

 and we must share it with others we meet along the way.

Thank you God and Father

For loving us so

That you sent your Son

So Salvation we could know

🙏 Dear Lord, I Thank you for all the blessings my life is filled with. I pray that all those who gather in any form, with many different groups, with all manner of celebrating, on what ever day...have a common thread of Thankfulness to You, the giver of all good things! Amen ❤️