Monday, August 27, 2018

Being Found

Post card, I wish you could talk!!!
During  this time of hospital and rehabilitation stays Mom has received cards and notes of well wishes. People encouraging her and telling her they are praying for her.  It is a sweet thing, as a ministry of Mom's is sending cards!  Family members near and far (and she has a very large family!!) plus many who are associated with family, friends  and our entire church family receive a card from Mom!  One thing that has been distressing for Mom is the fact she was loosing the ability to hold a pen and write out these cards.
So one dear friend and her children saw this as a perfect opportunity to return some if the blessings "Gramma", as she called by many, has given them with cards.
Some sent her cards during her 10 day stay at Crouse Hospital in Syracuse.  I gave many people my sister's address in Carthage because we knew at some point Mom would be heading to a physical rehabilitation facility near her and I didn't want mail to get lost once she made that move.
The receipt of mail seemed to flow seamlessly.  But my friend and her children asked about a post card...I said I would check.  Well, days would go by and in my commuting to see Mom I would forget to check. I had given out the address of Mom's newest place of residence as we were projecting a stay of possibly 6 weeks.
One day last week I finally asked about the post card...had it been forwarded?
AND HERE is what I found!!!!

This post card was found by my father in the driveway of their home 3 hours away from the rehab facility, on one of his short, infrequent trips to tend to business!
If you are able to zoom in on the address section it is addressed to Mom at Crouse Hospital.....there was a pink post-it taped over it that said.."no longer here".
NO forwarding address, no other address than an return address that is a town an hour away from my folks.
It was lying in the drive way...and seems to have been run over at least once because of the stone marks imprinted in the card.
My explanation...
God makes sure things are found!!

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

Maybe it had had a label that had the forwarding address on it ...but where DID that go?  When was it ripped off?
And why, when the wind at their house NEVER stops, would it remain in the driveway until my father found it?!
I know it seems like something trivial, but I look at things like this and see God!
He has shown all throughout this journey HE is the God who moves mountains!  AND He is the God who cares about postcards!
He is in the big things and in the little things!
Doesn't that give you peace!!??

 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, Jeremiah 29:12-14a

Rest in the fact that regardless of the turmoil He cares and is in control!
It doesn't mean that turmoil stays away, but ....if we seek Him we will find Him...we can  have faith that He is walking it with us!

He came to find us, to find matter how lost we may be or feel....He has come to save us!
IF He can find a post card, how much more important are YOU!!
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

You Have Saved Us - Paul Baloche  click on the link for a great song!

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