Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Best Laid Plans...

My plan for Monday morning:
✔walk my 2 miles
✔make a cup of coffee
✔get comfy in my new "cozy" living room and get my blog going....finished and posted....
✔daughter to eye appointment
✔afternoon of cleaning and making soup

AND then the day happened!
How often does that happen, we make plans and then it goes slightly sideways....or all the way off track?!
Not even just a day's plans, how about our week? Or our year?...maybe even our life doesn't seem to be how we planned it out?

 “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” is an old Yiddish adage meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” 

Another old saying ….
''Best laid [plans] of mice and men do often go awry"
(From Robert Burns' poem To a Mouse, 1786. It tells of how he, while ploughing a field, upturned a mouse's nest. The resulting poem is an apology to the mouse:

I got dressed in my workout clothes but didn't get the walk in!  Didn't get the cup of coffee made and didn't (obviously) get the blog published.
But I don't believe the day was ruined  or wasted because MY  plans didn't play out. I believe what happened was what God intended for me instead.  AND I AM OK with that!

πŸ“– Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

God's plan for my Monday:
 I had a phone call from my Mom that was more important and I was able to spend some time talking with her.
I DID  drive a daughter to her appointment and took my coffee with me!
but then unexpectedly got to watch some grandbabies for a bit! πŸ₯°
Blog didn't get done, or few other small tasks, but I was able to make a soup and be ready for my Ladies Bible Study group at 6.

What I/we have to believe is that God's plans are the best, and have our best interest at heart. We need to trust when ours seem to go awry….because, sometimes in the chaos of messed up plans God will
show us something far better!

πŸ“– For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:8-9

IF God knows far better than we do...can see the WHOLE picture when we can not, wouldn't it be far easier to let Him be a part of our planning!?

πŸ“– In their hearts humans plan their course,

    but the Lord establishes their steps.  Proverbs 16:9

While making our plans....we should make sure God is in OUR plans...and we allow for our plans to be moved if necessary. 

πŸ“– In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. Psalm 10:4

IF we think we know better....we are surely setting ourselves up for frustration and missed blessings.

πŸ“– But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

πŸ“– For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” Romans 1:17

If we make our plans with the righteousness of God in our thoughts, no matter which direction they end up going we will have the confidence, faith and peace that we are right in the middle of where God wants us to be.

 And today that was Coffee Time With A Dear Friend and You!
Can I be honest with you?  Most days my plans do not go the way I had planned out in my mind or even written on my list.....but most of the time that is exciting to me...because I know that God may have had other things in mind for me! SO praying your plans don't go the way you want! That God has something extra special for you today and you end up right in the middle of where He wants you to be!

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