Tuesday, March 28, 2017

2x4 Moment

First of all let me apologize....I did not get this up yesterday!  Incase there was someone just WAITING to read yesterday morning! 

I thought I would share again another bit of my testimony from the women's conference.  Several women seemed to be able to relate to my account of my "2x4 moment"!

The God I know gives answers when God knows we need them. We have to recognize them as answers, though they may not be what we want or anticipated, or when we wanted.  I remember another time I talked out loud to God ….

I was about 13 weeks pregnant, when I began to have some spotting and after conversations with my doctor. I headed to the hospital for an ultrasound to confirm what I was pretty sure was true….a miscarriage.  I had to drive myself…my husband’s job at the time was on the road so he was going to meet me there.  But it gave me that alone time in the car to talk with my Friend. So in my conversation with God  I pleaded for an answer, knowing logically that there may never be a reason.  But in my grief and tears I was desperate for an answer as to WHY?  So desperate I even gave Him a deadline!  (I knew then that I was pushing it)  My due date was June 18th (1996) so that was what I told the God that was my friend….”by my due date You are going to give me an answer as to why this is happening.”  So every day I poured over my bible in my devotion time, and though some days the scripture was pertinent and spoke to me, it was NOT my answer as to why I lost our 4th child. On June 18th as I did my devotion the scripture that day nearly knocked me over….I call it one of my 2x4 moments…you know, that moment when it seems like God has smacked you up side the head with a 2x4!  Some people call them their wake up moment, their Ah Ha moment…..God cant be that subtle with me!J

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

It might not seem clear to you, but to me on that day, the day that was supposed to be my due date, the day I gave God as a deadline; It was that 2x4 BAM!

It was not the answer I had been pouring over scripture for….I am not sure what I thought I was going to get as an answer as to why…but I got all I needed in that verse….Be STILL and wait patiently and in Gods time. And since, I have had peace with the loss, and have tried to minister to those who suffer similar loss…and years later we discovered a genetic anomaly that has affected one of our 3 children, and we wonder if it hadn’t affected our 4th, far more severely, so that it wasn’t possible for it to survive.  BUT what ever the reason, I need to…

He says, “Be still, and know that HE IS God;
    I will exalted [HIM] among the nations,
    I will exalted  HIM  in the earth.”
  Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

 But I will look to the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation.
My God will hear me.
   Micah 7:7 (HCSB)

I need to rest in Him and Trust and that was a lesson need many times in my life.

Hopefully you spend time with your Dear Friend...enough time that you may have experienced a moment when God got your attention!  And I am sure there are some who don't need to get the "smack" to get their attention!  But my prayer is this, when God shows you something.....that you allow it to make an impact.  You allow it to change you, change the direction you or your thoughts were going.  I am grateful God loves us enough to want to get our attention and He will do it, sometime subtle  and sometimes not so subtle.
Praying for your 2x4 moment!

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