Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Never Fails

"The prayer that never fails" is a line from a series of books I have read and reread. 
In the Mitford Series  by Jan Karon,
Father Timothy Kavanagh and his wife "pray the prayer that never fails"

I’m expecting God to send him [Kenny], I believe God will send him, but in the end . . .” [says Father Tim]
 “In th’ end, what?” [asks Sammy, their teenage charge]
 “I continue to pray the prayer that never fails.”
 “Wh-what’s it say, I f’rgit.”
 “Thy will be done. It’s what our Lord prayed when He knew He was going to be crucified, it’s . . .” 
“An’ s-see what happened?” Sammy looked deeply troubled. “It d-didn’ work.”   [pg.365 A Light From Heaven by Jan Karon]

📖 He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” Matthew 26:42

But don't you did work!
it didn't fail, God's will prevailed!  In the horribleness and the pain and the tragedy God's will overcame it all when Jesus claimed victory over death and sealed our salvation. 

So if we pray "Your will be done" instead of dictating what we believe should be the answer...we can be rest assured that in the end the outcome will be His will. Even if we can't understand the process. We keep the faith, keep serving, worshipping,  communicating, and loving Him. 
He will bring good...His will out of it.
📖 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:28-29
His good....not our version of good.
I just saw a reel by Megan Fate Marshman paraphrase;
God's version of good is Jesus, and what brings us to that place of conforming to be more like Jesus is that hard place, that horrible stuff we have to go through.   We don't become good by our effort or by what we do but in the very things we are going through. 

🙏🏼Lord, we know Your good comes out of our worst ....and brings us closer to the image of Christ. Please help us to remember that YOU are with us through every step of it. Your will be done.

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