Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Never Forget

This past weekend, Saturday was the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks and Sunday was Grandparents Day. (yes it is a thing!)
So I was trying to decide ....which should I blog about?....since they seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum:
A tragic day in our nations history; but we saw such heroism and brotherly love and God working in the tragedy.
or honoring our grandparents....for what they mean to us, what they stand for in our family ...around our table and in our family tree.
both remembering....one of the phrases that came out of 9-11 is "we will never forget".

We will never forget the innocent lives lost, the heroes that lost their lives running into the fire and destruction.  We will never forget the people who continued to help and to support.  The families and lives that are represented by the memorials.

I believe that is something that would make a good Grandparents Day card as well....."we will never forget"...."We will never forget your life, what you have done in and for our family.  The love and support...who you are as individuals...the history and memories that you represent."

To me...the most important "we will never forget";  is what Christ did for us....He loved us so much He stepped out...to be a hero, stepped up to take our place....
📖  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16
I believe it is God's love for His people that allows us to survive and move past the tragedies, past the things that cause us pain.  I believe that He cries with us through all of it. 
📖 Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close. Psalm 27:10 (NLT)
He holds us...carries us when we are too weak to continue. He brings those people who think nothing of themselves to help, to minister, to take care of us.
📖 I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
    until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
    I will carry you along and save you. Isaiah 46:4 (NLT)

I thank God for the heroes.  For the everyday people who step up, for the grandparents, for those in my life who have given me love in which to grow.

📖  I always remember you in my prayers day and night. And in these prayers I thank God for you. He is the God my ancestors served, and I have always served him with a clear conscience. 2 Timothy 1:3 (ERV)

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