Monday, October 1, 2018

Jumping In

Many of us may have seen a clip in a movie; the person is terrified to jump into the water ....they can't swim, and there is no where else to go but into this vast expanse of water...eventually there is no choice and they plummet into the drink...screaming...flailing....they land gasping for air, grabbing for something to keep their head above water.....and then they stand up (or someone pulls them to their feet) 3 feet of water!  The audience roars with laughter...a comidic relief in a tention filled scene.
Isn't that like life? us??  But it isn't so comical.
We think we know what we are looking at...this vast, bottomless problem looming out before us.  A situation we can't see any solution or end to.  We feel like we will drown if we proceed, we know we can't swim.   An illness that threatens our life or the life of someone we love, a marriage that seems to need more work than we have in us, a child that has cut off all ties with family, a career that ends suddenly, a mountain of debt....the vast issues vary for each of us, but a lot of us have them, things that seem so big they threaten to swallow us up.
BUT we have to take that leap....that step forward and TRUST.  Because God knows what lies ahead and when we do take that leap...He will set us on our feet.  There may be some thrashing and flailing around, but He knows just how deep the water is...and you will not drown.

When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you. Isaiah 43:2

I am not trying to make light of any one person's situation, because for each they might be facing something extremely overwhelming...
But I want you to take that leap into the water that you believe will over take you....TRUST... and He will take your hand,  pull you to your feet, help you find your footing and you will discover that the water was only 3 feet deep!

For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.  Isaiah 41:13

My prayer is that you find the courage to leap forward and trust God knows just how deep the water is, and when you come up standing you give Him the glory and praise!  Amen!

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