Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Repost and Reflection

Monday February 19, 10pm
So after finding the glitch on last week's post and then reposting it Monday...for this week....I have been thinking about it...reflecting on it.
It isnt bothering me...per say....but I don't like it when I can't figure something out....why I can't find a reason for why it happend.
BUT isn't that what faith is all about?!
Not being able to understand they how's and whys ..but trusting anyway.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:1-3

So whether it was a Blogger site issue...or operator happened...I have since,  published the version I had thought I had originally posted!  So I reflect...what can I learn or take away from this?
1.  It was about being still and knowing ....maybe I needed to do the writing that again.....a reminder that it was for me BE STILL and KNOW.

Tuesday February 20th 10pm
I was going to have a list of things.....but here it is in a nutshell....after last night....


know that HE is the all knowing, all powerful, all loving GOD!  and no matter how things go, or don't go according to our plan, HE is still in CHARGE!

Saw my sister Monday night, she hadn't looked at the post on February 14th, but saw my "repost".  She had had a rough weekend. At a moment, Monday morning, when she needed something, anything, to help lift her.  Prayer time on her knees asking God to help her, He gave her peace, and then she sees my email.  She said the words were just what she needed at that moment!

I have said right along that this blog isn't is God's.  He inspired the inception, and He inspires the weekly posts, and obviously He is in control of when it is posted!!

I am humbled right down to my socks!  God used my words to touch someone in such a time of make a difference in someone's day, and my sister's at that!  THANK YOU GOD! When I couldn't be with her in that moment....God was...but He allowed me to be a part of it!

Can I get an AMEN!
God is AWESOME!  (and so is my sister!!)

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