Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I have had this laid on my heart for a little bit now, not sure where or how this will go, but the first step is obedience, in faith.
With that, my first step will be to introduce myself a bit and introduce you to my dear Friend, and how this Coffee Time came to be, and then if you would like to join us regularly for Coffee Time that would be wonderful!
I have had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ since I was about 10 years old, was baptized at the age of 12. I knew then that I had a dear Friend, some one who was there for me and I would talk to Him, as I would a friend walking down the road, in my room, where ever I needed.
I would talk out loud, having a wonderful time communing with my Friend.  And that continued through my teens and into my adult life. I talk and share with Him in my car, while I am cleaning house, where ever (and people think I am talking to myself!)
He is someone I have introduced my children to, and now my grandchildren.  I have tried to show them that He is there, real and very much involved!
I would like YOU to meet Him.  Jesus Christ....God's Son born of a virgin named Mary.  He was born very humbly to Mary and an earthly father, Joseph, who stepped in and stepped up (the first "step" dad!) and was obedient to what God had asked him to do and raised Jesus as his own.  Christ's ministry on this earth was not a very long one, but while here he lived a sinless life as an example to us. How to deal with temptation Matthew 4:1-11, betrayal Matthew 26:14-16, family, obedience, and so much more!  How to be humble despite being God. Philippians 2:6-8 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross!    But always truthful and to the point, compassionate and full of grace and mercy.  His purpose on this earth was to point us in the direction of the Father. John14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me." and to die for our sins.  Romans 3:23  We "all sin and fall short of the Glory of God."  A sacrifice was needed for the sins of man....funny thing is I am included in that word "man", it means all who have and do and will inhabit this earth  He came to take on MY sins, to DIE for my sins...so I wouldn't have to. Romans 3:25-26 "God presented Christ as an a sacrifice of atonement through the shedding of His blood, to be received by faith. Without Christ and eternal life I would be separated from God not only here on earth but though all eternity!  But He took the punishment, humiliation, pain and eventually death for me...BUT if that wasn't enough!!! after he was buried in a tomb He rose again 3 days later!  He did not stay dead, He became ALIVE again!      Luke 24:7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ 

For me...and for you, because of His great Love for us!   John 3:16 (paraphrase)  For God so loved YOU that He gave His only Son, that if YOU believe in Him YOU will not perish (you will not be separated for all eternity) but YOU will have ETERNAL, EVERLASTING life with God the Father, Jesus the Son in heaven!

My mind works in mysterious and wondrous ways ( because I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God the Father!) when I read a scripture or hear a song or sometimes just have a thought I get images and encouraging words.   So as I share what God lays on my heart, my prayer is that you get to know Him better, that He becomes (if He isn't already) your best and dear Friend, your Savior, the boss of your life. And that in spending a few moments with a warm cup, and some good friends you are encouraged (to have a smile on  your face and joy in your heart), inspired (to read, search out scriptures) and energized (to go out and SHINE)
These tidbits of encouragement I like to share, (I have no idea who will want to read them)  but in recent days the thought has come that I could blog these bits of encouragement that I believe God gives me. 
We shall see if this is what God has in mind as you join us for Coffee Time, my dear Friend and me!

See you next time!

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