Friday, September 20, 2024

To be continued...

 I sometimes wait to be inspired by events that might be happening.  So Monday was a traveling day to Maine with Rachel, three children and the camper I have towed on 4 trips so far.
Now remember we are new to campering....and the friend who sold it to Rachel has been amazing in his advice and help. But we have learned new things every trip about camping, towing, campers, campgrounds etc.

After the events of Monday and Tuesday I will wait to see what else might happen.
So this blog is later this week.
Monday was supposed to be about 6 hours travel time. Arrive at the campsite, set up in daylight...which we never manage to do. And go find a beach...or 2 even!
Well......3 hours into the trip on Interstate 89S just passed Burlington VT a loud bang...we knew it was a tire and I got off onto the shoulder immediately.  It is an extremely busy highway. And no one...Noone..was going over into the further lane or slowing down!
The day before I left I remembered our insurance company had a number for roadside assistance! Perfect...I call...all automated, but had someone headed our way!  This is GOOD. So after about 40 minutes waiting and calming kids (the speeding traffic was pretty scary) a van comes. He assess, calls his boss and says "sorry, I can't do a camper".
I had been calling a few tire places to see if, once we got the spare on, I could get someone with knowledge and expertise to check and make sure we were good to continue on for the less than 3 hours we had left.
So I began calling those same places back asking about road side assistance.  At this point, it was just after 4pm. "Sorry, we can't help you today." "We might be able to send someone tomorrow." "We can't change a tire on the Interstate, if we tow you off the Interstate then we can change it."  "We can't tow it with a flat, change it first and then we can tow you." 
Now, I don't have a problem changing a tire and the spare was a full size camper tire...I was extremely concerned about safety...since the tire was traffic side, but both tire irons I had did not fit the lugs (chalk one up for not being prepared) it was now almost 5 and more places I called said it was too close to closing to come help. I explained we had children in the car and to far from home or our destination etc.
I did get one place, 40 minutes away that would come for $875. 
We were desperate,  but not that desperate. 
We decided we had to get the kids off the highway and me to a parts store for a proper wrench. But knew I couldn't just leave the camper " abandoned.  One "kindly" service place said "call the state police".
Which is what I ended up doing, to let them know there would be a disabled camper on the side of the road. They were kind, they may have heard the desperation and tears that were threatening to spill. But they would send someone with lights for safety and "would make some calls" I told her I tried at least 15 places, but I would appreciate anything. 
Vermont State Police Officer was there in 10, maybe 15 minutes. My insurance company called at this time wanting to send someone else. But the officer was on the phone too and said... "dispatch has someone on the way, be here in 10". I hung up with insurance! They were there in 5 minutes tire changed in 10, $115! I could have kissed both the officer and the service guy! 
A side note: The company that came out was one that had told me they "couldn't help me today". Interesting.
It wasn't the technician who came...he just knew his company put out a road side call and he was closest.  I guess state police are more influential than a woman on the Interstate with a flat and small children.
God took care....could things have gone smoother....yes....but could things have gone way less "smoothly' YES!
God takes care, even if it seems everything is wrong....there is much more going God's way than we can see sometimes.
Check back early next week to read the rest of God working things out... and scripture will be included..
To be continued....

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord
. Jeremiah 29:11a

1 comment:

  1. Tracey, We just read your blog!!! I will have to add to your story when we get home - minutes ago 2 miracles of God's greAt saving Gracmiracles of God's
