Tuesday, July 9, 2024

When Things Dont Go As Planned

 As we learned to trust in God when....
📖 Psalm 56:3 "When I am afriad I put my trust in you."
Vacation Bible School is always a time of lessons... not just what is taught for the children's benefit!
This year was Camp Firelight; learning to trust God in all circumstances....and boy did that ever get played out for the week!
We started on a Sunday, which makes for a low number to kick off with.  We ended up doubling our Sunday number.Twenty one  kids enrolled by the end of VBS. Twenty helpers!  However, that was a fluid number, and people were bounced to different stations as needed and were fantastic about it!
Behind the scenes, we had several of our workers having their own stuff going on. 
And come closing night...which was July 3rd, all the children were up front, around the "camp fire", to show their families what they had learned. We had sung one song and talked about one story when...my computer froze.  As the kids stood and parents watched, I did what I could....which amounted to nothing.  We went off script, the puppet ad- libbed and I finally just used my phone to play the songs from YouTube. We talked about each story and then played some songs (sans PowerPoint words)!  I had spent quite a few hours plus, adding fun photos for parents to see and editing trivia video. 
But, in the end, it was what it was. We closed and went outside to the waterslide and bounce house and cotton candy and snow cones!  
Trust God in ALL situations! 
I am grateful for the patience and understanding of the parents and those helping!
Now, this wasn't life or death hanging in the balance or a major life event. 
But it was our big thing at that moment. 
And we went forward and did what we could. Still a big thing in our world at the time.
I pray that the children (and adults) saw our VBS put into action. Trusting God to; go with us, lead the way, share wisdom, give us peace and spark joy! 
He did...gave me the idea to use my phone..and when to stop trying with the computer.  Peace in the situation and we could have joy even when it didn't go as planned.
Apparently, it was a success, as some children have said they "wish it could go on all summer!" 😳
What is true "success" is that those there learned about Jesus and learned what it means to trust God, not just in every situation but with their hearts and lives as well.

📖 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

🙏🏼 Lord, I thank You for lessons that You teach us everyday. I thank You for each person involved with Vacation Bible School and for each person reading this. I pray each one chooses to trust You today in all things! Amen♥️

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