Thursday, August 10, 2017

God is in the Discouragement

We all have discouraging times, don't we?
In this world you will have trouble. a section of John 16:33

Times that dont go as we have planned, when things don't go our way.  Not major tragedies, but smaller things that just make us angry, grumpy, discontent.

I want to tell you a little story, about someone who went through just that.
He had planned a hike, no small hiking trip..
It took a year to plan; schedules, food, how they would divide up the 133 miles into 8 doable days. All the gear they would need, but make sure they could actually carry it.  Dates were set...vacation time taken, rides and food drops arranged.
He had even worked at strengthening his back, as that had been causing him pain and issues, but back was doing well!
The time had arrived and the hike began!
And within a couple hours something was wrong...his hip was causing him so much pain he could barely lift a leg to step over anything on the trail.  They realized they had been dropped at (want they believed) to be the wrong starting instead of  7 miles to the first was going to be over 11.  By 530pm, after just over 7 miles they got to a point on the trail where a sign said 5 more miles to the lean-to...there was also a sign that said "Road 1.5 miles". He knew he could not make it, couldn't take another step, not in the pain he was in...his fellow hikers agreed. And even with no lean-to they made camp for the night.
In the morning after discussing the possibility of the other 2 continuing on and just Kevin heading out, they all agreed that all of them would be done.  They felt they really needed to lighten packs and were concerned at their current weight they might not have been able to finish either.
So out to the road and to find a house.  There was one home, the resident was home and let his phone be used.  He left immediately after the call was made, he had been heading out.  If they had been 5 minutes longer, he would not have been home for the phone to be used.  Remember there is no cell service where they were, actually so much over growth that the GPS satellite  tracker wouldn't even send out signals. Kevin's brother in-law was reached....he usually is out on a bike ride in areas where there is no cell service, but didn't feel up to riding that was home to get the call to come pick them up.  He was about an hour and a half away.  Once he got there and they had loaded up and driven far enough to get phone service I was called.  I wasn't working and the plans I had were flexible enough that several hours later I was able to meet them half way in Keene to retrieve Kevin and bring him home!
Now I don't know if I wrote this in such a way as for you to see..... a MAJOR disappointment, but I see God's hand at every turn!  And so do they!  IF they had been dropped off at the location they wanted they would have made it in to the 1st lean-to....then have to decide to do 7 miles back out....or continue on, neither of which Kevin's hip was up to.  That the gentleman was home for them to call.
That his brother-in-law was home and able to come right away.
AND the orthopedic got Kevin in Monday and told him tendonitis and gave him a cortisone that by the time he has to work Sunday he should be okay!

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In this world we are going to be discouraged, BUT Christ himself said "TAKE HEART!"  He is there in it!

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

My prayer is that you find strength in HIM matter what discouragement or obstacles are in your way!

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