Tuesday, April 5, 2022

In the Room

Do you know who's in the room with us, my brother?
Do you know who's in the room with us, right now?

Do you know who's in the room with us, my sister?
Do you know who's in the room with us, right now?

Songwriters: Michael Ray Farren / Tony Webster Wood / Jon Reddick
Some of the opening lyrics to In the Room by John Reddick 
Click on the link to listen 

This song was played at church this past Sunday...feeling God's presence in His house. 
But do you know what room God is in right now?

What ever room you are in right now!
If you are outside...or in a car or in a doctor's office waiting room.
God is there right now....

πŸ“– The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. Psalm 118:6

That is pretty amazing...and a bit overwhelming. 
πŸ“–...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b

The God who created the universe...put the moon and stars in their place, set the earth on its course...is right here where I am!
How humbling....it should stir in us the desire to honor Him....love Him, serve Him.

He's The God who's not scared of, the messes we've made
He's waiting for us to say, "Come have Your way"
That's The God who's in the room with us, right now. (
In the Room by John Reddick)

πŸ™Praying you feel His presence in the room with you right now❤
πŸ“– because God has said,  Never will I leave younever will I forsake you.Hebrews 13:5b

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